Friday, March 9, 2012

SPRING clean up

Last week I did a studio clean up. I spray painted, I mopped, I bought a storage shelf and re-organized EVERYTHING. Let me show you around.....
Plants are on sale right now at home depot.

DSCF4269 Tea cans make excellent storage for little things. DSCF4327
Beautiful flowers from a beautiful friend.

DSCF4275 My screen saver is my current obsession, some dead bug pictures I took and hope to have embroidered on my next collection. 

Most of the artwork in my studio (and my home) is by the great Laurel Westlund

p.s. She's holding a hand-cut screen printing workshop at the end of march at SNAP gallery in edmonton.

DSCF4291 All fabric and leather is now organized safely under my table and these collapsable hampers are cheap perfect for scraps that I want to save for future quits and what not. Less waste!

Old cork board I spray painted white, I want everything white right now. Genevieve Simms monster print and underneath my attempt at fabric designing.

DSCF4371 Earrings are on display in studio (also painted the wood display white). I really would love a show room/corner in my studio.

DSCF4263 New W magazine ready to distract me, the interent is not very strong here since I steal it from the home depot across the train tracks. he he. So sometimes I need real distractions like actual magazines, remember those?

DSCF4330  Tea pot I purchased from the little shop, a vintage boutique run out of an old house a few blocks from my apartment (1002 Ogilvy).


A couple bag orders I was working on. I even washed the windows! Cleaning makes me feel in control :)

1 comment:

Victoire said...

You live close to the Little Shop?? Dangerous!!

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