Sunday, April 24, 2011

keep the world free of evil


i had to celebrate easter early in edmonton with family last week and i also went to my friend ava's to do our annual pysanka decorating.


ukrainian women make Pysanka eggs to keep the devil underground and as long as you make eggs every year the world will still exist. yup, just doing my part to keep evil out of the world.


usually we use traditional kitskas with a candle lit but this year she had her friend's electric ones!!! this is serious.


i don't have a finished photo unfortunately because i gave my pysanka to kayla. families in Ukraine would make about 60 or more eggs and give them away on easter. everyone got one and they also placed them on graves, in houses, in the barns, and under the bee hives to protect everything. i hope mine brings kayla a good year.


here is my weekend treasury easter party. sidenote: my last treasury made it to the front page of etsy!

jon and i are so lucky today to be invited to a delightful easter brunch at elizabeth's and raymond's house. she is such a good cook and they are our great friends. happy easter.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

Thanks for coming for brunch, it was so nice to see you and I am so happy to have LEFTOVERS!


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